Prayers of Childhood



Mixed Media on 300 paper, 100×85 cm

Prayers of childhood is an outcome of a quite long journey of research on depicting invisible phenomenon, where music has been a big inspirational source and tool in my practice.  The piece is part of a little series called the Mind’s Patterns. I started my journey to find ways of illustrating music, where I have now moved on to depict everyday events. That is to say, I am transforming some patterns I have created over the time in my mind; For instance, how I see a week, it has a certain kind of shape. You may view more of works from the Mind’s Patterns series here.

My artwork, Prayer of Childhood is very personal to me as it illustrates my early experiences from my childhood when my grandmother taught me gratitude and forgiveness in a form of prayer. Over the time, the prayer got a shape of a path in my mind. In this path every family member, relative, friends or even a pet had its own place. When I prayed I followed the path and made sure that all above mentioned were included. Now, the prayer travels through the path and finally it gets released and the energy continues spreading around us.


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